Crèche and Pre-School
Midleton Family Resource Centre Crèche and Pre-School
is a community based, child centered service that
supports a philosophy of openness between staff,
parents and children.
We are committed to promote and respect the
rights of the child in all our work. We aim in
providing a quality child centered service in a safe
and friendly environment. Our Pre-School
approach is to support children with the confidence
to work as individuals and to the best of their ability.
We abide by the High/Scope approach to early learning,
assisting children to become independent decision makers and we use the ‘Buntus Busy Breaks Start Programme’ to incorporate physical activity into the children’s schedule.
Contact Zoe on 021 4633522 or to enquire about our childcare
To Register your child for any of our services please complete the form below and send it to;
Zoe O Brien
Midleton Family Resource Centre
Oakwood Lodge
Old Youghal Road
Co Cork

Childcare application form
Application form for childcare place
Click Document Link Below:

Opening Hours
08.30 am to 12.15 pm Crèche/Pre-School
09.00 am to 12.00 pm ECCE Participants (Top up available at extra surcharge)
1.15 pm to 5.00 pm Crèche/Pre-School
1.00 pm to 6.00 pm After-School
Childcare Services